You Should Have a Professional Website
It’s hard to think of a business or organization that should not have a website. Given the rapidly growing number of internet users globally, the internet is a place nearly all businesses should want to be and a website is a great way to establish visibility on the internet.
To create a website, there are almost limitless options. You can create one yourself using an array of templates or you can hire someone to build your website for you. Whatever option you take, your website needs to look professional. It needs to be properly structured. It needs to be relevant. It needs to be authentic, and it needs to provide your target audience with the information and the elements to compel them to contact your business so they schedule an appointment or buy your product. You can accomplish all these things efficiently, effectively and economically.
Keep It Simple
Contrary to what many people think, a website does not have to be extremely sophisticated, playing introductions that look like the trailer for a summer blockbuster movie with all types of bells and whistles. In fact, simple and straightforward websites that identify with a target audience and deliver the relevant information these people are searching for will perform much better than a fancy and expensive website that fails to satisfy these requirements.
Your website is a very important part of your marketing program. In fact, I believe it’s the cornerstone of most marketing plans. Websites don’t have to be overly complicated and they don’t have to be extremely expensive.
Keep It Fresh
Remember that once your website is built, it doesn’t end there. Rather, it’s just the beginning. You need to add and implement tactics that will drive quality traffic to the website.
Building and launching a website takes a lot of time and effort. If you have gone through this process, you will appreciate exactly what that statement really means. Unfortunately, a lot of people think when their website is launched, their work is done. It’s time to hit cruise control and coast for awhile. That’s a big mistake.
Once your website is up and running, it should be properly monitored, managed, and updated every month. Search engines like websites that have fresh content. Most of all, people who are searching for your product or service like to see websites that are fresh too.
Routinely updating your website on a monthly basis will improve your organic rankings on search engines. It will also improve your chances of turning those who visit your website into new business.
The quality effort and time invested in your website will yield positive results. Failure to invest time and effort will have the opposite effect.
It Must Be Responsive
There was once a time when desktops and laptops were the devices of choice for surfing the internet and navigating websites. However, that all changed rapidly. Today, mobile phone devices (smartphones) have taken over and become the popular way for people to use the internet. Your website needs to be "friendly" for all types of devices - desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This is what Google wants websites to be, and more importantly, it's what people who use the internet want.
A website that recognizes the type of device a visitor is using and automatically changes its format to accommodate the device is known as a "responsive website". A responsive website is easier to use. If you didn’t have a responsive website, a visitor using a smart phone will probably find your website cumbersome, difficult to read and hard to navigate. When a website is troublesome to read and use, visitors will leave and move on.
The search engines are another reason to have a responsive website. A search conducted on Google using a mobile device is not exactly the same as searching on Google at your desktop computer. When delivering search results on a mobile device, Google will be looking for website that are mobile friendly or responsive. Remember that Google, BING, Yahoo and other search engines are trying to make it easy for their users. If Google knows you are using a smart phone to conduct a search on Google (and they know), it wants to give you the best experience and the highest quality results possible. That means it will give you search results that accommodate mobile use.
Text messaging or “texting” is yet another reason. Texting is a very popular form of communication. Texting is not just about connecting with your family and friends. It’s also a way for your business to communicate with customers or patients as well as potential customers or patients.
Simply put, if you are not taking advantage of mobile opportunities today, you are missing out on new customers or patients. If you don’t move into the world of mobile soon, you will be at a huge disadvantage. It’s that important.
Built to Serve Your Audience (Both People and Search Engines)
Websites must be unique to your business or organization and built to serve your audiences, which include both people and search engines.
It Doesn't Have To Be Expensive
A responsive website doesn't have to break the bank. There are many options that will allow you to create a responsive website at a very affordable cost.
I will quote a one-time fixed fee to design, build, and publish a website. On-going monthly website hosting fee plans start at $21.99 per month. Pricing for custom website designs and monthly hosting fees depend on factors like the type of website, volume of content, and whether or not it will have features like e-commerce.
Contact me to schedule a meeting and discuss how to take your website to a higher lever by calling/ texting 419-890-5106, or fill-out and submit the below form: